Tuesday 26 April 2005

Avast, There

A vast amount of data on the state of Piracy in the world, that is. Eaglespeak is your one-stop shop to find out where it's not safe to sail, not even in a supertanker.

Eaglespeak's Eagle Eye has fallen upon this piece of "journalism".
"It's their own fault they were raped", or why according to some twit on the New Straits Times, the ships are sailing around "provocatively dressed".
My advice to those who fear "pirates" in the straits is that they should bypass it; use instead alternative routes like the Straits of Sunda and Lombok or, in future, the proposed pipelines across the Isthmus of Kra.
So what if it costs a few extra million, and takes an extra couple of weeks? Sailing where they are, they're just asking for it, right?

Ijit. At least he's not proposing they go around draped in 10,000 tonne burqas.
Sadly, after 9/11, even myths and half-truths are recycled to feed an angry world for strategic purposes until they become self-fulfilling.

It would not surprise me if a big accident were to be staged in the Straits of Malacca by those with sinister designs to provide evidence, to legitimise fears for their impending threat scenarios.

Indonesia and Malaysia must resist efforts by outsiders to destabilise the strategic waterway. They should not give credence to any self-prophecy with built-in ulterior motives.
Next step, blaming an International Zionist Conspiracy.

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